A Culture of Shared Values

We believe in genuine partnerships and honest collaboration.

Our mission is to support founders and brands that share a commitment to craftsmanship, product integrity and a sustainable supply chain approach.

By cultivating an ecosystem of strong partners and responsible practices for the industry, we help like-minded and consumer conscious brands set the standard for a seamless customer experience.

A Note From the Founder

As a multi-generational family-run business (and still are), we have a deep appreciation for founder-operated businesses and the entrepreneurs behind them.

It’s in this spirit in which we created ENO Labs.

We wanted to leverage our resources and service offerings to propel founder-run businesses now and in the future. In doing so, brand founders can focus on ultimately delivering a better product and customer experience to the end consumer.

Having worked in and with founders and brands across the spectrum, we’ve seen firsthand the effort they bring on a daily basis and the hard work that they put into their brands. From concept ideation to customer service, these founders truly do it all - Because they care.

In my decade of experience in this space, some of the best businesses I’ve worked with are founder-operated brands. Their level of service and quality of execution reflects a genuine desire to do good and deliver good products.

Supporting good business is good business.

Welcome to Labs. 

Kevin Tsao
Founder, ENO Labs